About the work of the Solidarity Initiative for Figen Yüksekdag
The Kobanê Conspiracy Case is a comprehensive attack by the Turkish state against all social opposition in general and against the HDP in particular, which defends the free and equal life of the peoples of Turkey together in democratic politics. HDP, as a party representing all identities in Turkey, ended the AKP's one-party rule with its success on 7 June 2015. Dictator Erdogan, who could not digest this, started an ongoing and comprehensive attack against HDP. Thousands of HDP members were arrested, HDP buildings were arsonised and shot. Dozens of HDP members were murdered.
When he could not stop the political activities of HDP with all these, he arrested its co-chairs and executives on 4 November 2016. Hundreds of HDP members were banned from politics. By opening the Kobanê Conspiracy Case, which aims to shut down the HDP, it is trying to keep it out of politics by sentencing Co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdag to 30 years, Selahattin Demirtaş to 43 years and other executives to tens of years.
Political trials such as the Kobanê Trial and the Gezi Trial, which have no legal basis, aim to extinguish the hopes of the society for freedom. We cannot accept this and remain a bystander.
We have formed this initiative by taking Figen Yüksekdag's words "The verdict in the Kobanê Case is not a result in our just democratic struggle, in our political freedom movement, but a new beginning." as a support for ourselves.
We found it appropriate to name the Initiative after Figen Yüksekdag, the female prisoner who received the maximum sentence in this case as the (former) Co-Chair of the HDP, for her Turkish and socialist identity.
We do not accept the Kobanê Trial and the court verdict. We will fight for the freedom of Kobanê prisoners by embracing all prisoners of freedom imprisoned in the Kobanê case and building solidarity in the international arena.
We call on everyone who is in favour of equality and brotherhood of peoples, democracy and freedom to support the work we will carry out with the slogan "Freedom for Kobanê Prisoners".
Solidarity Initiative for Figen Yüksekdag

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